The Times They Are a Changing

Author: Meagan Hollman

Mobile devices are quickly sweeping the world. Of those who own mobile phones in America, more than half (53%) of those are smart phones. With every change in the communications industry, the advertising industry has had to adapt or die. Most recently, online marketing companies are worried that the global sweep of mobile devices will destroy their business. Due to the smaller screens, lack of advertising room, and entire medium shift, digital marketing companies in Utah and the rest of the world will have to reevaluate the advertising experience of their constituency.

The troubles of adapting to new media have proved difficult so far. As with any disruption of paradigm, agencies have had to dramatically alter their paradigms. Companies like Facebook and Google, whose revenue is made primarily from online advertising, have already held multiple conferences concerning this shift to mobile internet access. To someone outside of the industry, making the shift from monitors and computers to pads and smartphones may sound negligible. However, even subtle changes in communication forum (which this case is not) can destroy the potential of entire conglomerates. Even more dramatically, some market critics are wondering if this shift will kill online marketing. As apocalyptic as this may sound, the answer is surely not as hopeless. Within and without Utah’s borders, new online marketing strategies are being developed to combat the trouble of creating a new advertising experience.

Since smaller screens are not fit for advertising banners and pop-ups have quickly become a disrespected form of advertising, new models must be invented. Some of the new ideas include personalization: ad agencies, with the search history and page views of favorite websites, customize a set of suggested types of advertisements for each group of people. Apps are another media which could be used by companies to urge customers into their service. For example, Amazon has an app which can scan items and give you their comparative online prices. Amazon and even local companies in Utah are formulated clever ways to utilize apps and turn the mobile revolution in their favor. 

Adapting has never been an issue for Utah’s online marketing agencies. After all, the shift to online business didn’t abolish the industry or even cripple it. In fact, online marketing is now more advanced and more utilized every day. Agencies who haven’t adapted have fallen into the oblivion of irrelevance. Those agencies who have survived have done so willingly and have flourished because of it. This new revolution of media offers just that opportunity for new agencies to emerge.

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