What Life Would Be Like Without Facebook

Author: Topher Miner

In this day and age, it’s difficult for Utahns to remember what they did with their spare time before Facebook. It has become such an integral part of so many of our lives, that we can’t remember a time when we didn’t have instant access to the most menial information of all of our friends’ lives. So what would happen if Facebook (and all the other social media sites) vanished even more suddenly than it appeared? How would Facebook users, advertising agencies and the like compensate for the huge gap in their lives where the social media giant once resided? Adapting to regular life once more may be difficult, but decidedly worth it in the long run (for the individual, at least.)

The immediate effects are pretty obvious: you’d no longer be able to maintain constant, passive contact with all of your friends, whether they live in Utah or Japan, meaning if you want to contact a friend, you have to put effort into it. You would also have no escape from awkward situations, or little gaps in your life where there’s nothing to do – there wouldn’t be a Facebook to turn to when that guy who likes you but you don’t like back comes up to talk to you. Face-to-face human interaction would, heaven forbid, become a necessity once more.

However, the effects can be further reaching than that: Utah advertising agencies would lose a very fruitful market – they’d no longer be able to market products to individuals based on their personal preferences. A profitable market would be lost overnight, and that could have serious economic repercussions. In a way, the consumer may suffer from the advertising agencies’ misfortunes as well: lacking exposure to products that they would otherwise have genuine interest in means that they could miss out on a lot of trinkets and gadgets that they didn’t even know they wanted.

Despite all these unfortunate consequences, people are still better off without social media. Ever since Facebook’s mobile popularity skyrocketed with smart phones, human interaction and relationships (both intimate and otherwise) have taken a downturn. Emotional communication and sincerity is almost a thing of the past, since everything seems so unimportant when it’s just text on a screen. So a lack of social media might do the world some good, bringing a now-lost level of human interaction back to the world. Besides, Utah advertising agencies would probably just adapt in other ways and make up any ground they lost.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/advertising-articles/what-life-would-be-like-without-facebook-6882567.html

About the Author

Topher Miner is a writer for Fusion 360 Agency.  He writes digital content for several clients.