9 Landing Page Fixes to Improve Conversions

Mark Dale

A measly sounding improvement in this conversion rate could easily mean a improvement in your overall profitability.

Nothing to be sneezed at!!

Many online marketers are satisfied with 2-3% conversion rates.

But why settle for the mere average when there are marketers out there with proven 10 20& 30(or more!) conversion rates?

(If you don’t believe these conversion rates are possible, email Nettclicks for a real case study which will show you that this is easily attainable within a short time frame)

There are many important elements on you landing page that can help you boost conversion rates almost immediately. These are:

1. Headline – a powerful headline on your landing page will commit visitors to read on. Grab their attention, make them curious, appeal to their immediate needs & tell them so explicitly in numbers if you can. And don’t be afraid to use long headlines and sub-headlines if they help to get the point across.

Does headline a) or b) below grabs your attention? And why?

a) The Best Accounting Software in the World: Available With Acclaimed Support when You Buy From the Industry Trusted ABC Co.

b) Work Dilemma: Do You Go Home Early or a Have Longer Lunch?

XYZ guarantees to save you at least 41 mins per day in your book-keeping duties…and it’s totally up to you on how you spend all that extra time!

Once you think you have a good powerful headline, you must test it and improve on it! (If you don’t know how to do this, contact Nettclicks for free advise)

2. Scarcity – make your offer(s) urgent and/or scarce. Putting a time or quantity limit so that it propels the visitors to commit to an action. If there is no urgency to commit to anything, they are likely to leave and never come back (or find a better offer that compels them to act!)

3. Use Multimedia – your landing page can stand out through the use of video or audio media. It adds extra sensory elements to the decision process, especially if what you offer on audio/video can capture their imagination or teach them something useful.

It can also help with verifying authenticity when they hear a reassuring voice or an honest face explaining an offer or process to them.

(Nettclicks can show you how to implant a relevant YouTube video on to your landing page to help with your sales conversion – without violating copyright laws – reply email to find out how)

4. You, Not We – cut out uses of WE, meaning you should cut down on any excessive self promotion.

Visitors are essentially selfish – so get to their point of  ‘what’s in it for me?’

Use YOU regularly instead of WE and use language/graphics that appeal to the visitor in the first person so there is better connection on the landing page.

5. Testimonials work – good testimonials add a sense of reliability and ‘social proof’ factor to your offer. Refer to good reviews, post genuine testimonials and use them liberally to show that your products and services have been well received by other like minded people/organizations.

6. Bullet proof – research has shown that many visitors scan through landing pages quickly – so whatever your landing page is (long or short) there should be concise bullet points somewhere to summarize the benefits and features. Bullet points are eye-candy for the time-poor and attention-poor visitors online – they will get it quickly if you can get the message across concisely.

7. Be secure – information privacy and payment securely at big factors in online transactions. Make sure your landing page has the right graphics and concise language to appease security/privacy conscious visitors (if you would like some examples of good graphics/page layout to help with offering visitors that better sense of online security, reply to Nettclicks for more details)

8. Guarantee it – Bunnings has a no-questions-asked return guarantee on all their products. That offers trust and comfort.

So should you!

Your landing page should always offer your products and services with a guarantee – research shows that without it, you have no hope of converting traffic. And if you guarantee it, deliver on that guarantee. Nothing worse than being lampooned on social media if you don’t deliver on promises!!

9. Clear CTA – you should continually check that your landing page has a concise Call to Action for your visitors. If you want them to buy – show them clearly where to click to buy. If you want them to opt in for a free email report – show them clearly (and regularly) on how to opt in.

(If you are not sure whether your landing page has a clear and concise CTA, contact Nettclicks for an obligation free opinion)

By following these 9 pointers for a better converting land page, you too can get your landing page conversion rates to 10o% & beyond!

As usual, should you have any questions or need a clarification on any of the tips discussed on this email, please don’t hesitate to call or email Nettclicks.

Good luck in your traffic conversion!

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ppc-advertising-articles/9-landing-page-fixes-to-improve-conversions-5944575.html

About the Author

As usual, should you have any questions or need a clarification on any of the tips discussed on this email, please don’t hesitate to call or email Nettclicks.

Good luck in your traffic conversion!